Goddess Gabriella Official   Nobody Quits   Boots Worship Trilogy66c9e034c6022 Goddess Gabriella Official   Nobody Quits   Boots Worship Trilogy66c9e0353df18 Goddess Gabriella Official   Nobody Quits   Boots Worship Trilogy
REAL Beatdown In Riding Boots – EXTREME!!!
As you know I love riding and I often go to my village house where I keep my little farm. I have a showjumping competition coming and I hired a horseman to keep my loves in perfect shape and clean the stable, until my competition comes. He is a local lazy idiot and I tell him his tasks for today, before I go for some meetings. But when I come back, he still lays under the sun! I ask him if he did what I asked for and he said that he didn’t do and he won’t, as he quits, this job is not for him. So, better I pay him and he will go. I get mad! He cannot quit before the competition! But he says he doesn’t care, he will do whatever he wants. But I will prove this asshole wrong and give him a good taste of my riding boots!
I slap his face hard and I kick him on the ground and grab him from the back in armbar, twisting his arms. He cannot escape me as I keep him down under me and I stand up and start to kick him brutally. I break his body and face with my boots, while he begs me to stop. I crush his head under by boot and I tell him that he doesn’t quit or I will destroy him. He escapes from me and runs to the exit, but I catch him back and give him the beatdown of his life! I kick him back and he rolls on the ground, broken and scared. He cannot mess with me like this!

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