6c41d2313dbc8aa8db6066d00090fd2e 298bb8346767ec47c189f4fd823eb1c2 797262a8bc5981c3d9da06b62da1548a

You know me, you know I love boys. All boys — I’m guy crazy, always have been, and I’m GOOD them-I call it girl magic, and the force is stronggg with me. 😉

My favorite boys to mesmerize are the one who “warn” me they have big penises, like somehow, my evil flirt magic will evaporate when faced with a big dick. … I so should have called this video “Jedi Hand Tricks,” hahaha, hilarious and true.
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You know me, you know I love boys. All boys — I’m guy crazy, always have been, and I’m GOOD them-I call it girl magic, and the force is stronggg with me. 😉

My favorite boys to mesmerize are the one who “warn” me they have big penises, like somehow, my evil flirt magic will evaporate when faced with a big dick. … I so should have called this video “Jedi Hand Tricks,” hahaha, hilarious and true.
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