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Shall we play a game?

Keep in mind, this ordeal was Slave Filth’s idea, completely.

The game: There are three hats and each contains several cards. One hat has various implements of torture and punishment written on the cards. The next hat has specific parts of the cunt’s body written on the cards and the third had has various numbers written on the cards. Along with all that, there are a few wild cards thrown in.

You know where this is going, Filth will pull one card from each hat to determine what she is beaten with, where she is beaten, and how many strokes are involved. All this until a certain number of strokes overall are meted out.

Tits, ass, cunt, legs, they are all targets and they are all brutalized.

To say that this wound up being so much more intense, painful, and degrading than Filth had imagined would be an understatement. You can see that by the agony on her face as she sobs, screams, with snot running from her nose. By the end of the game she was a broken mess kneeling on the floor.

Did the bitch win? No, of course not. The cunts never win in HELL!.

Slave Filth and The Three Hat Game.

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