bjv 1101 Viorica vs. The Bag Struggle 768x325
I get a lot of emails with a lot of requests and ideas from fans and members. This was a member request that I thought would be fun as did Viorica. I start her out with multiple layers trashbags held in place with heavy electrical tape. More tape and more bags are added until she is well secured. As a finishing touch, holes are cut revealing her plastic covered breasts. I leave her to struggle to get free but the tape does it’s job well; stretching just far enough to tire her out. I’m not quite done yet and wrap her head tightly with vetwrap leaving her gagged and blind. Will she have the strength and energy to break free or is she stuck for the night?

bjv 1101 Viorica vs. The Bag Struggle.mp4 thumbs 768x485

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