7 768x432 9 768x432 12 768x432 1 Miss Dula   Eat all my shit  4K   Italian Femdom.mp4 768x470

I am sitting on my throne, and my human toilet has already prepared at my feet because he knows his time is coming. As soon as I get the urge I get into position, he with his mouth open waits for my caviar which I will struggle to give him since he is harder than usual, but my poop is natural so that happens too, I need my chair to get comfortable and give him this large amount of shit that will immediately fill his mouth without even giving him time to chew calmly, once I have emptied myself of everything including pee I will sit back on my throne so I can enjoy the scene of this filthy slave eating all my shit lying at my feet. As a good shit-eater he will leave nothing behind and with his hands he will pull up even the smallest pieces that.

00:10:52 | 318.82 MB | 1280×720 | MP4

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