Lady Scarlet   Tritten Vor Dem Schuhregal66be52a650c4c Lady Scarlet   Tritten Vor Dem Schuhregal66be52a6a3b38 Lady Scarlet   Tritten Vor Dem Schuhregal
Tonight I put on some new shoes because an elegant evening awaits me but before going out I absolutely have to test these sharp heels on my human doormat. He is lying right in front of the shoe rack, the most suitable position for a human mat like him. I climb onto his bare abdomen and my heels immediately sink into his soft flesh, leaving marks like nails. He appreciates them but can’t hold back his cries of pain so I also make him suck them to silence him a bit. Now that it’s all riddled with holes I let him take off the shoes and he immediately recognizes the Wolford pantyhose with which I start crushing his face, his genitals and his whole body walking and jumping until it’s time to go out and I leave him there waiting for me until I get back.

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