My servant has not been doing what I inform him. As a punishment I got him to kneel in a corner of my dungeon up until I determined what to do with him. I was making some telephone calls as well as respected discover him wandering about. He claimed he wished to extend his legs. I was furious with his disobedience, and also I’m mosting likely to make he does not roam around anymore. I get some rope as well as securely bind his limbs so he can not relocate. Then I put him in a latex bodybag as well as zip it up, with a hood over his head to finish him off. He’s entirely defenseless and starts to battle, I tell him he’s not going anywhere. As a penalty he will invest the whole evening in tight latex bondage. I produced the light, as well as leave him in the dungeon. When I return in the morning he still shows indicators of pathetic battles to secure free. Of course he can’t run away. As he wriggles inside the latex body bag, begging me to allow him go. However, I’m going to continue with his penalty. I inform him to be peaceful, and assist him with some turn over mouth smother. His struggles come to be more agitated as he gasps for air. It’s so amusing to see those hands of his pushing versus the latex as well as getting nowhere. I make a decision to truly make him suffer, as I facesit on him and also provide him the enjoyment of my smooth pantyhose with a limited butt smothering on his face. He battles desperately and is extremely hot inside the latex body bag. I ask him if he has actually learned his lesson and will not disobey me once again. I never mind paying attention to his action. I’m just mosting likely to make certain by leaving him in his bondage for an additional evening. Probably after that he’ll understand what it means to offer Girlfriend …
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