Madam Director   How You Make a Man Your Bitch661678ce5daf5 Madam Director   How You Make a Man Your Bitch661678ceeb6da Madam Director   How You Make a Man Your Bitch
Today I am scent training My bitch. I want it to know what I smell like and follow My scent anywhere. It must know its owner. Bitch is locked in a male chastity device. I sit on bitch’s face. The bitch must inhale. I put a leash on My bitch. Once a bitch is owned it becomes very docile. When the training is complete, I will line up a pair of My worn panties along with several other Mistresses. My bitch should be able to tell which panties are Mine by scent alone. If he is unable to complete this task I will beat him, do more scent training, then repeat the exercise. Eventually, it all sinks in. Even to a male’s thick skull.

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