three heads and toilet63bb56d501334 three heads and toilet
Three beautiful Women all with amazing asses and four slaves, oh oh, how is that going to work for face sitting? Miss Sadie has an idea, she sticks one slave in the hallway as the party toilet. Once he is in position and dreaming about those gorgeous asses above him and delivering their bodily gifts, the girls go about sitting on the other slaves faces. Playfully they slap the slaves cock and balls, tickle them, and just have a lot of laughs while making the slaves kick for air below them.
They decide to have a contest to see which slave can hold his breath the longest. It’s a straight elimination until a winner is declared. Eventually the contest plays out and the ladies now decide to use the slaves as chaise loungers. The slaves bend their knees to make a chair back so the ladies can lean against them while sticking their feet in the slaves face. “Why don’t we invite the toilet in so he can worship our feet” Sadie suggests and all of a sudden there’s a need for another two slaves. Oh well, they ridicule this one and make him frantically try to attend to all of their feet with his mouth and hands. Amelia suddenly remembers their studs are coming over so they leave the room and tell the slaves to jack each other off.

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